Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Healthy nutrition & getting that bikini bod - More in detail...

HUMP DAY!!... It is Wednesday Kids! Half way through the week! Well actually I know some of you have short weeks this week, EASTER!!! Bank holiday fun! Lets hope the sun makes an appearance of some sort!

Right so the journey… the temptations…OHHHH the cravings… girl you know THE STRUGGLE…
But I am really proud of myself you know! I could of have had date night with a pack of malted milks biscuits (heavenly dunked in tea) maybe spread a little chocolate spread across for that added extra yumminess but I didn't!! PROUD PROUD... Waking up feel lighter and lighter! On a mission!
So I am only like day 3 back into a strict routine of eating habits… healthier choices and less late night snacks… 

Back at it with my protein shakes 2x Daily and my one healthy green looking meal and yesssss I feel happier with myself already!

Beating the cravings – I tend to have no will power when it comes to sweet treats I have to have a little nibble of something even if it’s just to get the taste! I mean I don’t deprive myself completely, one day of the week a cheat meal is glorious! I think what a lot of people do is have a cheat day though!! I meaaaaaan this is a big no no for me, you don’t have to go to the extreme! Balance it out people. Also if I am craving a little treat of some sort I reach for a little Cadburys freddo frog… Just be careful though, they do come in multi packs and well you could end up eating a few of those frogs in one sitting… STOP YOURSELF!!!!...

Back to the daily intake when being good…
So normally in the morning I have my shake… the one I use is chocolate flavoured so I am already winning in life any way. I blend 2x scoops of this, a scoop of Linwood’s flaxseed, cocoa & berries powder, half a cup of skimmed milk and water (me and too much dairy is a no go). The flaxseed is a great source of magnesium and protein and it’s a good source of fibre. Fibre is key when on such a strict diet routine, shakes especially! You need to make sure you get enough fibre in your body to help digest everything, KEEEEEP THE FLOW GOING! (Sorry kids, yuck I know!)

 These shakes with a low fat milk/milk alternative contain 221 calories per serving and it is rich in protein, which obviously is going to help build muscle in the body. Regardless of being on a strict routine or not, I love these shakes so much I would still have one as my breakfast. Having one of these shakes with two balanced meals a day will help maintain your weight!

Meal wise I am pretty boring I go for the standard bit of fish, mostly tuna, my body loves the tuna. With plenty of spinach and veg. I recently come across butternut squash noodles and oh my PERFECT alternative to pasta/noodles (NO CARBS), low calories and well! all round goodness firing through you! I have plenty of water throughout the day, especially with a meal as this helps keep me feeling fuller for longer!

Personally I don’t eat a lot of fruit as it plays havoc with my stomach and skin, I can eat it in small amounts, say half a banana or half an apple in on serving but I couldn't be having a fruit platter!
I also drink my Herbalife Tea – this is great! Really keeps me buzzing. I tend to only have a couple of these, mainly just one in the morning, maybe one with lunch if I feel I need an energy pick me up. I don’t tend to have any caffeine based drinks after 4pm as I find it hard to sleep! Reaching for a soothing camomile tea before bed is perfect!! This tea helps contribute to mental performance, improve alertness and helps boost your metabolism. Its only around 6 calories per serving and it’s a great alternative to coffee.

Herbalife also provide protein meal replacement bars for on the go when you can’t have your shake, always handy to have and super affordable.

I have been using the products for 3 years now, they have always worked for me! Everyone’s different but personally it’s always been my go too. I have tried other brands in between but for me nothing compares.

I will do a more detailed post on exercises I do without the use of the gym.. watch this spaceeeeee...!!

If you are interested in trying out this plan and ordering, then please feel free to email me It works out completely affordable and you can get fab results from the products!! 

LCV xxo

Monday, 21 March 2016


Work Work Work Work Work yaaa seeeemmeeeeee do maaaa…

Happy Monday Dolls!!...

I was sitting here today, browsing through old pics, looking back on pics from when I really did try and do the body some good and get fit and thinking jeez I need me some of that body again gurlllll! Go sort yourself out, drop the cadburys chocolate bunny and go sweat your life away.I have been loving oats recently and I really don't find they do me justice, they leave me feeling bulky and really heavy, so I am currently back on a mission to drop a few extra pounds and really get my body back to what I am happy with within myself!!

Now being only 5’4 aka little persons (well average for woman) but you know I go for little person, I tend to carry weight more on one particular area of me I think this goes for most people! Some people get a little belly, maybe some extra loving round the hips or like me chunky thighs and butt!!’ ‘BOOTY GOALS’... not so much goals when it isn’t toned and jiggles a little too much when you are doing the simplest tasks (not going to lie here, this could be teeth brushing, yeaaaaah its still wobbling) Don’t judge ok, I ate 5 yorkshire puddings at Christmas dinner and now in March GOD DAMN BASICALLY APRIL I am still suffering for the doughy goodness!

So yeah I do like to keep fit, keep a balanced diet etc… but I thought I would do a post about what personally works for me, SHREDDING SEASON… BIKINI BODY…SUMMER READY and all that jazz!! I never weigh myself too much, I tend to go with how clothes feel. I mean if the jeans are getting a little tight OHHH and they rip (they really did rip after Christmas LOL) then it’s time to drop the choc and pick up a kettle bell or 2 and really give it some!

I find that walking/running is a major thing for me, it works for me personally it helps keep me trim and I also use it a destressing thang. It’s a cheaper alternative to the gym, find some hills and climb them! Music in ears, it does me the world of wonders.

I know myself my body could be a lot better than it is but I am love with the CAKE so products I have been using for years to maintain some sort of decent body is Herbalife. I find my body is really at its best when I’m on my shakes and a having a good leafy green healthy meal! They also provide a tea which I find really helps keep my energy levels up as it contains green tea! Fab for boosting my metabolism, keeping me alert and on the ball! With this combo I always feel a lot lighter, feather feet!

I have also created my own 30 day LBD (Little black dress) Workout plan, when I am feeling a little heavier and I know I have let myself go as well as sticking to a healthy diet I use my workout plan to help cut fat and trim me down. I actually use kettle bells as well at home, I find these great for toning my arms and also my stomach KETTLE BELL TWISTS!! KILLER! I got mine from argos! Really affordable and easy too use!

I have never been one for completely cutting out food, starving my body of goodness, I love eating too much to do that and it actually makes me feel like a balloon if I don’t eat. Eating little and regularly is good, it really does keep your energy levels up! I tend to eat alot of veg, VEG is my best friend, I am not big on fruit and it actually gives me a stomach ache, and my skin breaks out from it (especially bananas) which is sad times for me but you know it is what it is NOOOO nana's for me! I consume alot of spinach, brocolli, lettuce, carrots, sweetcorn with either tuna or salmon. I'm not really big on eating meat like chicken, I feel again my body struggles with digesting it. I will eat it every now and then but its not my go too food. I'm a big cat and I love this fish... MEOW...

Especially as I am not a gym member, been there done that, got my sweats on and all the gear (NO IDEA)… and especially on a rainy day as the last thing you want to do is go running in the rain, splash backs from cars…EURGHHH.. and may I add white man van’s BASTARDS they love to just get as close to the curb to make sure they drown you! Motivation can be hard… what motivates me though is you know what I wanna look good, not only so I fit nicely in clothes but I think it’s important to look after yourself, we only get one body! THE BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE GIRLS! I also find social media a great way to be motivated, fitness pages etc really work for me! There are even some great home work out vids on youtube that are worth a wiggle too!!


p.s I keep my typing real, I say what's in my head as I am typing.. Sorry this means I also get a little OTT haha!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Date Night


I am a complete lover of nudes when it comes to dresses. I find if I do go a little wild with the old fake tan though it can look slightly ridiculous!! You have to get that bronze balance right!! Glowy Goddess!!

So at the moment and for a while I've been digging the brown lip look, dark & sexy.. really accentuates the lips giving you that vampy look. Kylie Jenner has recently been know for this particular look making it more popular here, there && bladddddy everywhere!
Bringing out her own line... THE KYLIE LIP KIT... as soon as I saw True Brown K I was likeeeee omgaaaah NEED in my life gurlll.. SLAY THOSE LIPS...There are so many similar colours on the market though you just need to know where too look *eyeballs*

Few of my Favorite products to achieve this look & dupes of the Kylie True Brown K are;

MAC's Lip Liner - Chesnut 

MAC's Lip Liner - Cork

Charlotte Tiburys Lipstick - Birkin Brown

NYX - True Brown

Barry M Lip Liner - No.6

Here I am wearing Barry M's Lip Liner in no.6.. THISSSS girls is only £2.99!! I get mine from Superdrug (UK store)... It really does stay on all day & keeps lips looking really full..!!

Happy Friday Babys


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

In Love

In Love

In Love by missvinicombe featuring champagne flutes

Hey Girls!

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while.. I need to step up my game! Creative juices are flowing!!

So its National Woman's Day..  Who even comes up with these days I have no clue but I am totally one for girl power ((SPICE GIRLS STYLE))

Us women should totally be cheering each other on daily, and with the use of social media even just leaving a little comment underneath a picture is totally empowering and you know you could really perk someone's day up!!

Now I do love Polyvore for creating looks in my head I would love to wear and strut around in
and I'm totally adoring the whole nightie/slip look at the moment... I think its a love hate look but personally I love it! Teamed with the right accessories it can look sexy glam. I wouldn't go for crazy bright colours with this but pastels, creams and nudes work well. I have seen Rihanna wear this look and she pulls this off perfectly (what can't the woman pull off) She SLAYSSSSS every look!

If I had known the faux fur coats were going to bounce back into fashion I would of kept the beautiful cream one I had, except it was an eBay job which I now regret...!! I am loving this white one featured from boohoo! I'm a fan of the cropped length as well.. this coat teamed with a high waisted pair of leathers would be fire! It also comes in a beautiful nude colour! Defo on the wish list!

LCV xxo

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