Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Work work work..

Happy HUMP day! <3

We are almost through the week!... I have a Love/Hate with Wednesdays.. your almost there but not! blaaah blahh!

Work Mode.. Office Mode.. Keeping it Simple Dolls.. I love my dark colour's especially for every day and looking at my Polyvore sets, you probably would of noticed this!.. This set includes my favorite foundation, which I have been wearing for the last god knows how many years.. since my Dior Makeup Counter days! (young 19 year old then) GOD I feel old! 

I will post a bit more about this foundation for you in the next couple of days! 

Whats your fave everyday foundation?

LCV xo 

Work work work..

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Sleepy Sundays...

Sleepy Sunday

Gahhhhh..So addicted to Polyvore..

Here's my profile...

Polyvore xo

So its Sunday... A day of rest, guilt free eating, PJ's and online browsing ((adding countless items too your shopping cart but never actually buying!)) *sad face*

Whats your perfect Sunday? Send me links if you use Polyvore Girlys!

Cuddles with this little chappy below.. Perf xo


Saturday, 6 September 2014


Autumn LOVE... Leather..Fur.. Simplicity..LCV xo

Love for Lingerie xo


Its a Saturday.. I'm having a sofa day stuffing my face with cookie.. Millies Cookie ((UNREAL)) not just your average one either this is a giant one! I could eat the whole cookie.. the taste is just.. well TOO MUCH! 

Whilst stuffing my face I was thinking about Work.. dream jobs and all that, and thought I would blog these thoughts up!

So one of my dreams in life is too have one of my own Lingerie Boutiques ((My own range)) I am completely obsessed with beautiful lingerie! If only i could afford to dress my self in Agent Provocateur every day!

I'm a pretty simple girl, I like classic lingerie in classic colours. A beautiful nude, a jet black with lace fine straps, an innocent white or a raunchy red. I love that since 50 Shades of Grey has come to light it has given  bondage style strappy lingerie more of an acceptance in more affordable lingerie lines and shops..instead of having to hunt through the little boutiques in Soho to find something slightly more racier than your standard lingerie set these pieces are now everywhere! *LOVESTRUCK*

A few of my favorite sets I have seen at the moment have actually been on ASOS.. (Own brand, Pour Moi) Affordable, Good Quality and beautiful designs!

Another amazing place to find one off custom lingerie sets is Esty! You will find some amazing designers and makers on there with one off pieces!

I stumbled across this Girls work and designs and was blown away! Details are amazing...

I would love to know where you girls like to buy your lingerie, styles you like and any online boutiques/designers I may not of seen or heard of!

Whats your dream job?!

LCV xo

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