Saturday, 30 August 2014


Hey Girls!, 

So I have finally decided to really crack on with my blog, I see it almost like a little diary something I can look back on!

I have always been a BIG BIG eBay fan, but recently I have been using the App 'Depop'.. handy little app to sell bits and bobs!!

Easy to use and communicate with others and lots of bargains!

One little warning though girls.. shop with care, Always pay by PayPal just to be on the safe side, I have seen a few people scammed by choosing to buy items by bank transfer, never receiving items. With PayPal its easy to request a refund if you don't receive your item!

Please check out my Depop, I have recently added a couple of items :) 


LCV xo

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Updating!! Under Maintenance!

Hi Girls!

I am currently in the middle of updating my Website and Blog for everyone...

Please email me at if you want to get in touch or if there is anything you would like me to post 

Love you all LCV xo

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